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Discover the secrets of our furry pets - visit the cat museum in Kotor

07. 10. 2024.

Convinced of how hard it is to resist small, cute cats, we know that a visit to the unusual cat museum in Kotor will surely enrich your soul. Cats have long been recognized as a symbol of Kotor, so it is not surprising that a museum for these furry pets has been opened right here. When visiting the museum, you can buy food for the local cats yourself or donate money directly to the museum, which will be used to buy food.

The museum was opened in 2016 and in it you can see photos of interesting Kotor cats. Among the exhibits in the museum are medals, books, notebooks, postage stamps and postcards donated to this museum by cat lovers. The museum is located on Trg od Kino, and the collections of exhibits are displayed in two rooms, and we are sure that some cuddly kitty will curl up around your feet while you walk through the museum. Throughout history, cats have come to Kotor and survived thanks to the food provided by the local population and tourists. Today, there is a belief that they protect the town from evil, so they found their place on souvenirs. In this text, we bring you ten interesting facts about cats:

1. cats use their whiskers during the night to better orient themselves in space,
2. every cat has a unique muzzle print, just like every human has a unique fingerprint,
3. cats spend two-thirds of their lives sleeping,
4. cats have similar emotion regions in the brain as humans,
5. a cat can run at a speed of 50 km/h for a short distance,
6. when a cat cuddles and hangs around your legs, it's not just looking for attention, it's one of its ways to mark its territory,
7. many studies have shown that cats actually do not like the taste of mouse at all,
8. cats spend about 30% of their waking hours "grooming",
9. in situations where your cat's tail is shaking while you are near, it is a sign that she declares her love for you,
10. Ben Rea left £15,000,000 to his cat Blackie in his will, making her the richest cat in the world.

Rent a taxi from the Transfer Montenegro agency from the Dubrovnik airport to Kotor, and visit the unusual cat museum in Kotor today!